INFORMATIONAL POSTING-November 11-12 Wilderness First Aid Course
Why Take the WFAC?
- More extensive and useful than Red Cross basic first aid
· We teach the course twice a year in Fullerton; typically, May and November. The next class is November 11-12.
· You receive 24 hours of credit for the class. This satisfies the first aid requirement for all leader candidate and leader levels for the (Los) Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club.
· The course fee is $180, (roughly half the fee for a two-day WFA course offered by either REI/NOLS or Wilderness Medical Assoc.)
· The WFAC offers five excellent, hands-on 30-minute accident simulations as part of the course.
· In addition to being a supporting first aider in four of these, each WFAC student is the lead rescuer in one simulation with the undivided attention of an instructor.
· The Course fills up quickly, so register early. See Link Below.
More information and Registration instructions are available on the WFAC website at