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Wind Wolves Preserve – A Favorite CHC Hike!

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Wind Wolves Preserve – A Favorite CHC Hike!

Hike leader volunteers: Nancy H.
Meet: Wind Wolves Preserve at The Crossing Parking Lot at 8:15am, departure at 8:30am sharp.
Distance: 8.3 miles
Elevation gain: Approx 1020 ft
Time: ~ Approx 4 hours hiking including one snack break

The Wind Wolves Preserve is a hidden gem. We’ll start from “The Crossing” Parking Lot and will hike along the creek trail via San Emigdio Canyon, then clockwise up the back of the mountain on the Tule Elk Trail. We’ll stop for a break and snack and enjoy the breathtaking vista, then head back. The wildlife here is abundant during the winter months as the Tule Elk herds migrate to lower elevations, as well as the Mule Deer. Plan on dressing in layers as it will be chilly here.

Note: Go to the end of this road, past the “The Crossing Campground”.

There are clean flushing toilets, sinks, paper towels at the Crossing and further up the canyon. Entrance & parking is free.

Conditioning: you need to be in generally good physical condition
Dogs: Must be on leash.
Restrooms – Near trailhead and another one before our ascent.
Adventure Pass: Not Required


  • There are a number of shallow stream crossings. You should be able to cross without getting wet.


  • Hiking shoes/boots/poles.
  • Layers recommended. Bring warm jacket.
  • Snacks and 2+ liters of water and electrolytes or salt tablets; camera, hat and sunscreen.

THIS HIKE RANKING: Level 3, Intermediate (see chart below):
CHC HIKE RANKING SCALE – Consider your capabilities before RSVP’ing for a hike to ensure you are properly conditioned for a hike:
1) Beginner: 1-3 miles, less than 500 feet elevation gain
2) Beginner/Intermediate: 1-7 miles, less than 700 feet elevation gain
3) Intermediate: 5-10 miles, 1000-2000 feet elevation gain
4) Intermediate/Advanced: 7-12 miles, up to 3000 feet elevation gain
5) Advanced: 10-17 miles, 3000 feet or more elevation gain

TRAILHEAD LOCATION (click here for What3Words Map):
Wind Wolves Preserve:
16019 CA-166 · Bakersfield, CA

The drive from SCV will take an estimated 1 hour and 15 minutes. Wind Wolves opens at 8:00am.
Take Hwy 5 North to bottom of the Grapevine, exit 225 for Maricopa Hwy 166. Travel 9.9 miles, Signage and Exit will be on the left side of the road. The Crossing” is 5.4 miles from the highway entrance.

  • From the Hwy the Entrance is @ 3 miles, turn Right.
  • @ 3.7 miles, Left at Stop sign, following directions displayed on sign to “The Crossing”.
  • @ 4.8 miles, straight through Stop sign, again following directions displayed on sign to “The Crossing”.
  • Arrive @ 5.4 miles is “The Crossing” and its parking area.


We highly recommend GAIA (or AllTrails) and What3Words apps be installed on your cell phones!

The Community Hiking Club is a Non-Profit 501C3 organization. We rely on donations to continue sponsoring hikes such like this. Please contribute by donating via: Cash contribution (at each hike), or via Zelle at 6617135610; or via Venmo at: @Heidi-Webber-5

When you sign up for this event, you are releasing Community Hiking Club from any liability or responsibility with your participation in this group activity. While safety is a priority for everyone in the group, hiking can be inherently risky. By participating in any posted event, you are assuming responsibility for your own safety and well-being. The Community Hiking Club (CHC) Meetup Group and its organizers and hike leaders are not trained leaders and we do not confirm the qualifications of any of its members to lead or participate in our events. All participants take full responsibility for their own actions. If you choose to sign up for any Community Hiking Club Meetup events, you are releasing the Community Hiking Club Meetup Group and Hike Leaders from all liability in case of possible injuries or death as stated in paragraph 6.2 of the Meetup “Terms of Service” located on the bottom of the Meetup website. Your personal safety depends on your own judgment and experience. If you sign up for this hike, you are verifying that this hike is within your abilities.

December 09 2023


Date: December 9, 2023
Time: 8:15 am - 1:00 pm
Hiking Group:
RSVP: Visit Meetup Website


Wind Wolves Preserve

16019 CA-166

+ Google Map


Santa Clarita Community Hiking Club
Website: Visit Organizer Website


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Trail statistics are approximate. For safety purposes always assume they are underestimated. But don’t be disappointed if they are overestimated. Bring more water and snacks than you think you’ll need.

Trail descriptions are based on previous hikes. Current conditions are unknown until arrival. Expect the unexpected and plan accordingly.

The Organizers and members of Hiking With Dean are not professional leaders, guides, or mountaineers. The function of the member or organizer is only to organize the trip. Each person who shows up for a trip/meetup (and their guest or guests) is responsible for his or her own safety. By attending a hike, or any other event organized by this group, you are acknowledging that you and any guests that you bring are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with the activity and freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and further agree to release and discharge the Organizers, Members of the Hiking With Dean Meetup Group from and against any and all liability arising from your participation in the group activities per our ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND LIABILITY WAIVER and Section 6.2 of the Terms of Service.