Our seventh Backbone Trail hike in the Santa Monica Mountains is 10 miles with 1400’ elevation gain on the BBT. We will take the Etz Meloy Trail, the newest addition to the BBT, starting at the Encinal Canyon trailhead. We will cross the Mulholland Highway and then take the Etz Moloy Trail, with views of Triunfo Pass and the Boney Mountains, to end at the Mishe Mokwa Trailhead.
This is a Sierra Club hike, so participants must sign in, carry their medical form, and hike between the leader and sweep. The Sierra Club medical form is available at ttps://tinyurl.com/ycy985mt. We ask you to print it out and bring it with you, but the form will be available at the trailhead as well. Bring water, snacks, sunscreen, and a good attitude. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
TRAILHEAD LOCATION: We will meet at 8:00 AM at the Mishe Mokwa Trailhead. From PCH go north 7 miles on Yerba Buena Road to the Mishe Mokwa trailhead parking area on the right, one mile east of Circle X Ranch.
CAR SHUTTLE: From the meeting point at the Mishe Mokwa Trailhead we will car shuttle 7 miles via Little Sycamore Canyon and Decker Roads to Encinal Canyon Trailhead.